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Malak, Daria, and Katharine

About Us

Behind the Screens!

Katharine (Kat) Wang

Hi guys, my names Katharine Wang! As you can probably assume, I am indeed asian. However, I am not merely asian, I am in-fact Chinese-American-Taiwanese with a little sprinkle of sass. In my free time I enjoy classical piano, splurging on excessively expensive makeup, and being indecisive about clothes.

If I've ever met you in my lifetime, you have probably seen me very sleepy. This is a result of three possible options:

1. homework
2. no reason
3. I found treasure (i.e. Amazon Bic Pen Reviews)


Peace be Upon You :D

Name: Malak [Arabic. Translated to English it means Angel]
Age: 16
Racial Stuff (cause we love to racially profile): Libyan descent, but born and raised in America. I can speak Arabic :D
Style: Tryna keep it covered while being in style? (I am a Muslim). I literally love everything: from girly to grunge to bohemian to edgy. Even neon. As long as it isn't overdone.
Favorite Article of Clothing: Love dresses :D And bummy tees.
Favorite Music: I listen to everything but screamo. It kind of scares me >.< But I respect you if you like it :D
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Choclate chip or Jamoca Almond
Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter Series <3
Favorite Make Up Brand: I am minimally experienced with make up. So far, though, I adore Clinique.
Favorite Social Media: YOUTUBE
Favorite TV Show: Difficult. Therefore, I am going to split this into two categories:
        Comedy: The Mindy Project
        Action: Nikita!
        Drama: eh... Idk. I always watch the first few episodes before ditching them. Elementary possibly? Although that could  deserve the category of "mystery".

Favorite Store:  I don't have one. I LOVE THEM ALL <3

 Daria (a.k.a Dasha)

Welcome to our humble abode!

 Hey I'm Daria/Dasha, call me whatever you like.  I'm here to share my outfits and contribute my ideas on fashion, trends, and style. Born in Belarus and Russian speaking, but raised in America. Katharine, Malak and I met a few years ago,  and after constant procrastination, we finally started up this fashion/beauty blog. Hope you enjoy!